Loss prevention and security facility professionals will do a deep-dive on staving off retail theft when stakeholders and thought leaders gather for the National Retail Federation’s NRF Protect June 4 through 6 in Long Beach, Calif., an annual conference designed to address growing risk in the vertical market.
NRF, Washington, D.C., is the world’s largest retail trade association. NRF Protect is a focused event bringing together stakeholders in asset protection, fraud prevention, cybersecurity and risk management to address evolving threats for retail businesses.
iDter video surveillance stops intruders
iDter will exhibit during the show at Booth 960, demonstrating its Niō Guardian live video monitoring camera system. As retail theft continues to take a bite out of profitability and business health, retailers need to keep intruders away from valuable assets, at the perimeter of businesses, and that’s where intelligent deterrence from iDter stops them in their tracks.
Attendees will see firsthand how iDter ends loitering and crime – deterring trespassers in seconds and before a loss occurs. iDter, which stands for intelligent and immediate deterrence, offers complete detection and protection with heightened security at a fraction of the cost of guard personnel or mobile trailer solutions.
Security guards that never sleep
iDter’s security solution is a fully automated detection and deterrence system backed by professional monitoring personnel who send video-verified alarms to PSAP police dispatch if intruders efforts to gain entry escalate.
The heart of the system is a 4K high-res camera, multiple motion detectors, a microphone and integrated deep learning AI technology. Niō Guardians immediately deter unwanted intrusions using flood lights, red/blue strobes and three-way 120dB loudspeakers for voice down messages, startling sound effects and ear-piercing alarms. Niō Guardians are cost effective security guards that never sleep.
Stop by the booth during the show for a demonstration or contact us today for more information.