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iDter Security Cameras at NADA 2024: Rampant Auto Theft Draws Keen Interest

Deborah O’Mara

Across the country, theft of autos, catalytic converters, electronics, and other parts and components continues to plague dealerships. Dealers and owners are looking for solutions, evident by the steady stream of visitors to the iDter/KEYper® Systems booth during the recent National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Annual Conference in Las Vegas. 

Auto Dealers Want Solutions To Theft

The stories of dealer-attendees rang similar. They stated concerns with loitering and vandalism, in addition to theft of new and used autos as well as other high-priced assets. With six Niō Guardians installed in standalone kiosks around the booth, attendees witnessed the power of iDter immediate detection and deterrence in live demonstrations – complete with LED illumination, red/blue strobes, alarm sounds, and recorded voice messages. 

iDter partnered with KEYper Systems, an ASSA ABLOY company, at NADA to showcase their recent technology collaboration that combines 4K high-res video surveillance and live camera monitoring with automated key and asset control in an intelligent theft prevention solution. KEYper embeds the iDter Niō Guardian system in its line of key and asset management products. 

AI Security Stops Intruders & Thieves

iDter uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) embedded in Niō Guardian nodes located around an automobile dealership property to detect intrusion and take immediate and programmable deterrence actions against intrusion. Without human intervention, iDter is proven to stop crime in more than 98% of active intrusions. If the intruder persists and after visual verification, professional monitoring dispatches responding authorities.

What the dealers really liked about this highly customizable solution is its ability to filter out false positives, resulting in a much more effective approach compared to traditional remote video monitoring.

For more information on how to protect your auto dealership or other commercial business, contact iDter.


For More Information | Call Us Now at (833) 699-6338

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Kuna Systems Corporation DBA iDter
San Mateo, CA




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PATENTS [#]: 13921597, 14164540, 14205946, 14519642, 14664275, 14859867, 15157632, 15214866, 15246818, 15366196, 15498866, 15593570, 15611975, 15659873, 15899007, 16111669, 16143853, 16250242, 16252841, 16280377, 16364769, 16420844, 16445672, 16540309, 16578788, 16585342, 16682518, 16850944, 17026647, 17106542, 17164595, 17203811, 17241410, 17531752, and Patents Pending

All iDter products are fully compliant with the requirements of the US NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) of 2018. iDter products exclusively use Ambarella System on a Chip (SoC) technology for digital image and computational processing, Broadcom AzureWave technology for communications, and Zilog PIR MCU for motion detection. Ambarella, Broadcom, Zilog, and iDter, a division of Kuna Systems, are US companies that develop and control their own firmware, middleware, and software.

iDter only sells direct and through a select set of dealers. The product is not for use outside the U.S.A. and Canada. Please contact iDter for further information.

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